Sustainable Urban & Rural Waste Management for Kisumu – ZERO Waste – ZERO Landfill & full funding
The Prime Cabinet Secretary hopefully will be working with PSECC Ltd and agrees to a total National funding program package and then funding will then be allocated to Kisumu County. Kisumu County qualifies for US EXIMBANK funding as
it falls within the National Bilateral program, coordinated with the Ministries in central Government and of course Sustainable Waste Management will fall within that program.
EOI submission for 600 tpd MSW will be sent into Government for an Integrated Waste Management Facility 20 km away from CBD in Ombeyi Ward, Muhoroni Sub-County. PSECC Ltd have Gasification from partner EPC company Sarralle or
Alset Power Company Inc.
If we take out the organic fraction then gasification process works best for homogenous waste like wood chips, tires, paper, plastics, and cardboard.
Sarralle who has also Incineration and Recycling technology. During feasibility study we will choose the most suitable technology for Kisumu to meet the Circular Economy aspirations.
Our focus is on the Inorganic fractions of the MSW and with the new trucks then collection rates will increase bringing the MSW available upto 600 tpd. We can also process tyres and some medical waste to increase calorific value
for energy production.
Main project funding of approximately USD $90 million will come from our ESG Private Banks or US EXIMBANK if required.
The first plant will be at Ombeyi Ward, Muhoroni in the Sub-County of Kisumu processing 600 tonnes per day (tpd).
Fifty new trucks will be provided to collect waste
100% Recycling & Gasification Plants incorporated into an education centre.

The Circular economy for Kisumu We provide Sustainable functionality in the waste sector & The Feasibility Study could be underway in November 2022 (USD $1m to USD $1.2 m)
Main build could start approximately April 2023 and operational plant by April/May2024 – USD $90 Million full funding via Deutsche Bank, PPP, Power Purchase Agreements (PPA’s) will pay for the plant along with the sale of Recycled materials – no money required from Kisumu County Government.
What is Municipal Solid Waste?
Municipal solid waste (MSW), more commonly known as garbage or trash, consists of non-hazardous refuse items that are thrown away by residential consumers, commercial businesses and public institutions.
What Materials Can Be Processed?
Because MSW is a mixture of waste, there can be a wide variety of items that can be processed for recycling in our plants. The most common items found in MSW are organic food, product packaging, cardboard, furniture items, clothing, glass and plastic bottles, food scraps, consumer paper waste, consumer electronics and appliances, and batteries. We are interested to process the Inorganic fractions so the organics can be sold onto another processor.
Why Recycle MSW?
In many ways, MSW processors have the same goals to separate valuable materials from the non-recyclables and less valuable items. When MSW commodities like metal, wood, cardboard, glass, and plastic are recycled, the amount of virgin raw materials needed to produce new products is reduced. Disposal of MSW into landfills is not only expensive, but not sustainable for the long term, given the limited and finite landfill space available. In addition, MSW recycling can be a profitable revenue stream when commodities are sorted, separated and recovered efficiently.

lf we are successful in our EOI, the Feasibility Study could be underway in November 2022 (USD $1m to USD $1.52m)
Main build could start approximately Aril 2023 and operational plant by April/May 2024
We propose the cost of electricity generated per KWh be set at 12.5Kenyan Shillings or $0.10 USD.
The Circular economy for Kisumu We provide Sustainable functionality in the waste sector & approximately USD $90 Million full funding via ESG Deutsche Bank, PPP, Power Purchase Agreements (PPA’s) will help pay for the plant – no money to build the plant required from Kisumu County Government.
SYSCRAFT LIMITED & PSECC Ltd partner, Sarralle Gasification offers this proposal to construct the Kisumu County Environmental Education Centre with a Total Recovery Facility® (“TRF®”) inside, which will produce building products and renewable electricity and liquid fuels in the second and third phases of this project.
Our focus is on “Inorganic waste fraction” of MSW and but we intend separating out the organic fraction and plastic, metals, glass then wood fractions in the Recycling plant, with Energy production. We can also process Tyres and some Medical waste. The organic fraction can then be sold onto another processor.
This project information package from Syscraft Limited & PSECC Ltd is intended to provide Kisumu with information regarding a proposed Environmental Education Centre that will convert MSW and other waste streams into composite building products and clean electricity and renewable on-road transportation fuels (the “Project”). The system proposed will initially consume up to 600 tpd Kisumu City waste, 5,720 tons of MSW currently available in the Kisumu County area. This will eliminate the current practice of landfill saving millions of dollars over current practices. The Project will be scalable to take advantage of future growth opportunities expandable to all the MSW in the including agricultural waste and other various waste streams giving Kisumu 100% reuse and complete recycling with no need for any waste to go to a landfill and reaching the county’s goal of carbon neutral by 2025.
Recycling and Gasification
This website is an aid to Kisumu Government to describe the vision for Kisumu if deemed worthy. The plants will be incorporated inside the new Waste Plant & Educational centres with the manufacturing of new products from the Recycled glass, metals, ceramics & ash.
Each plant costs SD $90 million, including trucks

50 new trucks
Gasification is very clean and 45% more efficient than Incineration & 50% lower cost. Our EPC Company that will build the plants is Siemens. 100% Recycling with Gasification electricity production Recovery, Reduction & Reuse
Each plants needs 6 acres of land – Waste-to-Wealth plant from Sarralle

Kisumu County generates about 5,720 tons of solid waste per day per Kisumu-County-CIDP-II-2018-2022
LZWT – ZERO-Waste Technology Sustainable Urban & Rural living…..
We deliver Service functionality, Natural value, adaptive capacity, effective EMS software system and regenerative Circular model. ZERO Waste – ZERO Landfill for Kisumu. We have over 130 years of collective expertise in waste management, twenty-seven years in Climate Change Mitigation and our EPC company choice is Sarralle to build the plant.
Leaders in Recycling Equipment Solutions
Turmec has nearly 50 years of experience in the engineering and recycling industries. We plan, design, manufacture, install and support the very best recycling equipment solutions.
Originally specialising in general engineering, the company has evolved to design and manufacture market-leading, cost-effective and high-quality facilities for customers in the recycling industry.
We are ISO 45001-accredited, along with a number of other industry accreditations across quality, environment and health and safety, which reflects our ongoing and consistent commitment to providing you with the best service and support.
To meet the requirements of a Circular Economy we will Recycle glass, metals, some plastic and make new products. The remainder of the plastic will be used for Energy production in the Gasification plant.
Recycling, Gasfication Manufacturing & Food production
Circular Economy in action for a Sustainable Urban life.
What comes out – Zero waste goes to the landfill sites from our plant as new products are made from the 15 tonnes per day of glass from the plant, ash & ceramicsCircular Economy in action

Glass Recycled
ZERO waste goes back into the landfill sites – 10 tonnes per day from the plant of metals are resold for reuse in manufacture of new products

Metal Recycled
New products are made such as building concrete blocks for house building or road building material from the 15 tonnes per day (tpd) of glass & 10 tpd of Ash100% Reuse & Recycling

Building blocks
Net Zero – Circular Economy
Sustainable Urban & Rural Life
Circular Economy
This is a project that takes waste and turns it into a valuable resource. Daily waste is collected in the new trucks and sent to the Waste processing plant. All waste, unsorted goes into the Gasification plant and Syngas is produced for Electricity Production and glass, metals, ash & ceramics are recovered and recycled. Manufacturing then takes place.
Zero Waste – Zero Landfill –
Gasification and Recycling combined together

Carbon Dioxide from the plants used for food production
Enjoy the best food and processing combined together
Green houses set up at the waste plant & Education centre
About us
Enjoy the best design and functions combined together
MSW recycling plant to separate valuable materials from the non-recyclables and less valuable items. When MSW commodities like the Inorganics – metal, wood, cardboard, glass, and plastic are recycled, the amount of virgin raw materials needed to produce new products is reduced.
Organics will be sold onto another processing company.
Enjoy the best design and function combined together

Sustainable Circular Economy Recycling
Enjoy the best Recycling and then Energy Gasification combined together
That’s why we develop engineering solutions tailored specifically to each of our clients’ set of requirements. We are ISO 9001- certified, which means our designs meet international quality, not only meeting your requirements but also bringing best-in-class expertise to bear on every problem.
Waste Glass Recycling Machine
Glass has many uses as a recyclable material from shot-blasting to filtration media and there are significant requirements for processing waste glass in order to achieve the highest percentage of the desired target granulation, to control wear costs and preserve the purity of the material.
At Turmec, create turnkey solutions which integrate into any new or existing plant, creating glass recoverables of different sizes and for different applications, depending on our clients’ needs.
If the glass is predicted to be included in the waste stream, it can be extracted from various streams and processed to provide grades of a recyclable glass product which is ready to be taken off-site.
We can separate out Inorganic fractions & organic fractions
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Processing Equipment
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is waste consisting of everyday items that are consumed and discarded such as food wastes, yard wastes, containers, product packaging and inorganic wastes such as newspapers and clothing.
EQTEC – UK Gasification company
Enjoy the best design and function combined together
Engineering the world’s cleanest syngas
Decades of innovation and expertise have created our proven, patented Advanced Gasification Technology