Zero Waste – Zero Landfill  
Many of these people can also be paid to bring  plastic and tyres to the plants

Kisumu City generates 600 tonne per day (tpd) of MSW – 300 jobs created for Kisumu, Kisumu County generates about 5,720 tons of solid waste per day of MSW can be obtained from nearby towns and villages also from Landfills and Lake Victoria each day waste for the new Gasification & Recycling plants can be obtained. It would be possible to have a further ten plants in a phased development programme. Fish stocks in Lake Victoria will increase due to dredging of the Lake to remove plastic waste – less Pollution from leachate from Landfills & Plastic waste.

EOI submission for 600 tpd MSW will be sent into Government once notice appears in the press by the 31st October 2022. With the new trucks then collection rates will increase bringing the MSW available upto 600 tpd.                                                                                    

If we are successful with the EOI then Feasibility Study – USD $1million to USD $1.2 million will come from either USTDA or Deutsche Bank funding – Main project funding of USD $90 million.

Less water pollution
Clean up of all the waste near the  waters edge

Our plants will stop plastic entering the water and also contamination of Lake Victoria – 70,000 sq KM and dredge the Lake to help clean it and increase Fish stocks Also Enhance Duty-of-Care for the population

Sustainable Urban & Rural Life

Stop the need to burn waste in Landfill sites 

Helps prevent pollution and enhances Duty-of-care in Kisumu Jobs offered to pickers to bring waste to the new plant.  The Recycled products can be used in new Factories, new concrete building blocks to build the new homes in Kisumu from Recycled, Glass, Ash and then cement added and then CO2 used in food production and enable vegetables such as Tomatoes to be grown 

Sustainable Urban & Rural living…..

Development – EPC & Cleanest Technology 

Developer –  Alset Power  Company Inc USA – EPC Sarralle

PSECC Ltd & Headway USA are the Developer of this project and haver arranged EPC & Funding partners for Kisumu plant.  Will build the plant with – Electrical consumption continues to steadily rise all over the world. Meeting these challenges requires cutting-edge products and services.  Cleanest Energy generation technology, 45% more efficient than Incineration and also Recycles glass, Metals, Ceramics & Ash

EPC – Sarralle Power Generation

Monitoring & Power and Collection of Waster

The most professional installation teams work on this project guaranteeing maximum power output, efficient waste handling and monitoring emissions.  
Power producers, grid operators, power utilities, industrial companies, and municipalities can manage tasks economically and efficiently.  
PSECC Ltd will work Sarralle and Headway USA and with Kisumu Government department that is responsible for waste collection and enhance collection rates throughout Kisumu City and then Kisumu county.
The first plant will need 600 tonnes per day of MSW

Zero Waste – Zero Landfill

MSW, Gasification and Recycling  

In order to collect waste from Kisumu and other towns & villages we will provide 50 Heil Trucks and 100 Gas-Powered Rickshaws.
Landfill waste will be cleared and used in our new Recycling & Waste-to-Energy plant sited on or close to the Landfill sites in Kisumu.
After years of deposition the % plastic content increases due to organic matter being degraded

End products & Energy

Enjoy the best Gasification design and Recycling function combined together

The End products of this waste in our Gasification & Recycling plant is energy, glass, ceramics, metal and small amount of ash. Medical waste & oil sludge can also be processed

Producing 112,482 MWh of Renewable Electricity each year from the first plant for Kisumu

The waste enters the plant without sorting or separation, all just goes in.
What comes out – Zero waste goes to the landfill sites from our plant as new products are made from the 15 tonnes per day of glass from the plant, ash & ceramics – Circular Economy in action.

Zero Waste – Zero Landfill

Enjoy the best Gasification and Recycling function combined together

After years of deposition the % plastic content increases due to organic matter being degraded. Landfill waste will be cleared and used in our new Recycling & Waste-to-Energy plant sited on or close to the Landfill sites in Kisumu. In order to collect waste from Kisumu and other towns & villages we will provide 50 Heil Trucks and 100 Gas-Powered Rickshaws  

We will produce building products and renewable electricity, recycled glass, metals and ash and some plastics and liquid fuels in the second and third phases of this project together with Fertilizers and cooking gas.

Tyres are Reused

Rubber used in energy production and Steel reused for manufacturing

The tyres are used for electricity production in a very clean non toxic Processing plant or electricity production the steel is recycled for new products 100% Reuse & Recycling

Carbon Dioxide used in food production

The waste plants produce Carbon Dioxide and used for food production in our Green Houses.

The amount and size of tomatoes can increase due to our Carbon Dioxide used in green houses near each waste plant.
Kenya and Uganda have some of the world’s most fertile soils. The organic-rich, free-draining, easily-worked top soils have a naturally neutral pH and come in depths of up to 20ft. It’s sunny most of the year, with an average annual temperature of 26C and there are two rainy seasons six months apart that deliver an average rainfall of 31 inches an annum.

Plastic is being used in Kenya in manufacturing of new products..